Giving and receiving feedback is the best way to create a relationship of trust between colleagues. Talking to each other allows misunderstandings to be clarified, needs and expectations to be expressed, the quality of work to be valued and avenues for improvement to be identified. Feedback creates a climate conducive to open and direct communication and learning.
To master the art of feedback and to ensure that it is a benevolent and developmental act, every employee is invited to follow a few tips: be non-judgmental, remain open, be factual and precise, and opt for a positive and constructive attitude.
I Understand your relationship with feedback
I Developing listening skills
I Improve posture
I Structuring feedback with DESC
I Giving and receiving feedback in a constructive manner
I The DEESC method
I The Johari window
I Signs of recognition
I Active listening
I Open questions
The training is facilitated taking into account the culture of the organisation and the experience of the participants with feedback. The pedagogy is participatory and mainly based on role-playing in sub-groups. The optional presence of actors brings even more interactivity and efficiency to the approach.
+352 621 62 45 77 | +352 28 80 77 77
+352 621 62 45 77
+352 28 80 77 77