Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence

Cultivate the art of being for more presence and clarity. Knowing how to preserve your energy, even in the midst of a changing world, is becoming more essential every day.

This can be learned, developed, and trained. It comes down to sharpening your attention in order to experience moments of calm and insight conducive to making informed and confident decisions.


« People travel and marvel at the height of the mountains and the vastness of the oceans, and they pass by themselves without being moved.»
Saint Augustin

To be able to give the best of ourselves, it is essential to know ourselves including what drives us. Personality and motivation questionnaires (AssessFirst, Insights Discovery®, Enneagram, Strengths Finder, Hogan) provide inspiring insights into reconnecting with your talents, motivations, and needs.


« The present moment is the perfect teacher, and we are fortunate that it is everywhere we are. »
Pema Chödrön

Mindfulness trains the mind’s ability to identify when it is on autopilot or distracted by thoughts of the past or future. It invites us to redirect attention to the person or task at hand. When the mind is trained to be fully attentive, even in the midst of chaos, it opens up a space to make wise and conscious choices.

Highlight offers an 8-week mindfulness training programme (based on the MBSR programme) designed to bring more meaning and serenity to your actions at work. The ‘Focus on What Matters’ programme allows you to grow both personally and professionally: methods of organisation, email management, stress management, and professional interactions. It provides a clear vision of your relationship to work, to others, and to your professional environment.


« This is how human intention must be: perfect, straight, sharp, firm, precise. No one can stop it when it crosses the space that separates it from its destiny. »
Paulo Coehlo

Leading is an extremely demanding role. It requires a wide range of skills, solid training, and passion. Most often, when we take on a leadership role, we do so because we want to make a difference. We take it for granted that we will work long hours, make sacrifices, and navigate success and failure.

In today’s world, hustle and bustle is part of our leadership reality as we are more in demand and connected than ever. If we being are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we often feel like we are putting out fires rather than really giving our best.

Working on your intentions is the best way to get results in the outside world. Implementing new habits, becoming more aware of your mindset, and developing personal mastery and professional skills are major assets for leadership.


« There is no mastery that is both greater and more humble than the one we exercise over ourselves. »
Leonard de Vinci

Training and individual coaching can help to develop resilience and emotional intelligence. Based in particular on the neurocognitive and behavioural approach (neuroscience), these courses allow participants to understand the physiology of stress and its impact on our reactions, behaviour and communication in an emergency. Participants are given simple and concrete tools to better understand themselves, take a fresh look at daily pressures, manage stress and emotions differently, communicate more consciously in difficult situations, and keep calm in times of crisis.


I  Reconnect with your personal power. 

I Gain resilience to better manage stress.

I Increase personal effectiveness and focus.

I Know yourself better to find your career direction.

I Stimulate your emotional and relational intelligence.