Optimising recruitment with AssessFirst tests

Optimising recruitment with AssessFirst tests

Make informed and reasoned recruitment choices
Personne qui serre la main d'une femme qui passe un entretien d'embauche et qui a réalisé les tests AssessFirst

With AssessFirst, you can collect the data you need to identify the criteria that are important for each position, assess a candidate’s potential and identify the person who will be able and willing to succeed in your company. Although the results are reliable, it is essential to discuss the results with the candidate and to go further into the analysis of behaviours before drawing conclusions and making a decision.


I  Deepen the exploitation of the tests

I  Interpret the results with nuance

I  Conduct the validation interview

I  Use the platform’s functionalities

I  Argue the decision


I  Fundamentals of SHAPE, DRIVE and BRAIN

I  Make links between the 3 tests, identify contradictions and reinforce criteria

I  Select the criteria to be taken into account for the position

I  Structure of the validation interview

I  Practical exercises

This training is adapted to the specific needs of the participants and to the specificities of the recruitment process in force within the organisation. The teaching method is participative and essentially based on role-playing in sub-groups. The optional presence of actors brings even more interactivity and efficiency to the approach. A digital module makes the approach even more complete with videos and access to a set of documentation on the test suite.