Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Understanding emotions for more serene relationships
Homme qui ferme les eux. En arrière plan: cerveau avec des calculs mathématiques d'un côté et de l'autre côté cerveau avec plein de couleurs

By nature, human beings are emotional. Identifying, understanding, expressing, and regulating emotions are necessary to live in a group. Yet emotions are often perceived as uncontrollable elements that disrupt relationships and hinder decisionmaking.

Discovering the functionality of emotions and emotional skills opens new perspectives. Developing techniques to welcome them allows to bring an appropriate response to emotionally charged situations. Emotional intelligence can be worked on and cultivated to gain serenity in the face of unpleasant emotions and better manage relationships.


I  Identify and understand your own emotions

I  Give an adequate response to emotions

I  Avoid emotional blockages

I  Use your emotions to clarify your intention and adapt your posture and communication


I  Basic emotions

I  Emotional skills and levels

I  Active listening

I  The window of tolerance

I  Emotional blocks

I  Identification barriers

The training is adapted to the client’s needs and context with a playful and participative pedagogical approach. The group works on concrete cases brought by the participants and practices during simulated interviews. The optional presence of an actor makes the process even more effective.