Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking

Representing the complex and imagining the future
personne qui joue aux échecs

This training course explores the use of mind mapping, sketch noting and allegory as tools for evolving your thinking, taking a step back and developing strategic reasoning. Through practical exercises, open up new perspectives on the complex issues or changes you are managing and push back the boundaries of your thinking.

These creative methods not only help you visualise and organise ideas, but also inspire innovation and communicate complex concepts in an engaging way.


I  Visualise complex systems and develop an overview
I  Adopting new perspectives
I  Think long-term


I  Real-life production of strategic mind maps
I  Global vision vs. details
I  Use of sketch notes and allegories
I  Practical exercises to activate strategic thinking

Each training course is tailored to the needs and context of the organisation. The pedagogical approach is fun and participative, offering time for individual reflection and concrete group experiences based on real-life situations.