Support employees with the individual development plan

Support employees with the individual development plan

A structured approach to leading team members to achieve personal objectives
accompagner le collaborateur grâce au plan de développement individuel

The Personal Development Plan (PDP) is a mutual commitment between employer and employee to support the acquisition of new skills. It is an essential tool for all managers who wish to support performance, develop potential, or prepare employees for a career transition (change of position or promotion). The PDP helps clarify the skills acquired and the points to be strengthened in order to face the challenges of the new position.

A real lever for personal growth, the PDP sets the employees in motion, helping them to progress towards regular successes. Structured and concrete, it is deployed in seven steps based on the allegory of a journey. The manager guides and accompanies the employee from the starting point to the final destination.


Support employees in their PDP to :
I Set specific development objectives
I Draw up a concrete development action plan
I Observe the resources implemented and set up monitoring points
I Identify developments and changes and share them with the employee


I The PDP in 7 stages
I Activity sheets: a concrete action plan based on the 10/20/70 model
I Tools: Ofman’s quadrant, SMART objectives, GROW model.
I Follow-up interview guide

This workshop is tailored to take into account the client’s competency development processes: LMS, internal documents, etc. Participants create their own personal development plan with the support of a 2 to 3 hour digitalised course of activities and tools. The pedagogical approach is participative with numerous role plays during which participants facilitate a PDP follow-up interview and practice the tools presented. The optional presence of an actor makes the approach even more effective.