Design thinking

Design thinking

Boule de papier posée sur une ampoule dessinée

Design Thinking is a pragmatic and concrete approach that allows us to develop solutions based on the real needs of our clients. The methodology consists of three key steps: inspiration to identify the real needs of users, ideation to gather ideas in order to define the axes of innovation, and finally implementation.

The iterative approach of prototypes-tests-improvements ensures projects evolve progressively, until they lead to truly effective solutions developed on the basis of concrete experiences. It is a practice that develops an agile mindset. Contributors are less afraid of failure and take more risks to test innovative solutions.


I  Become familiar with the Design Thinking mindset

I  Experiment and appropriate the methodology through practice

I  Test solutions or products

I  Explore the needs of users


I  Design Thinking methodology: inspiration, ideation, implementation

I  The 3 essential criteria: desirable, feasible, and viable

I  Prototype, test, improve

I  Act instead of think

I  Learn from your failures

Each course is adapted to the needs and context of the organisation. The pedagogical approach is playful and participative, offering time for individual reflection and concrete group experiences as well as situational exercises. The optional presence of an actor makes the process even more effective.