Manage your time better

Manage your time better

Gain efficiency and serenity
travailleur qui regarde sa montre

“To have time is the most precious of all riches in the world” (Socrates). Managing time in a world where everything is fast and immediate is a major challenge and has become one of the key factors to master in order to be efficient and serene in your daily life.

Dispersion, procrastination, overloaded agendas: our relationship to time is different for each of us. Without time management, delays tend to be widespread and deadlines are no longer respected. There are tools to learn how to work efficiently and get more done in less time, without stress or loss of quality.


I  Become aware of your relationship to time and your relationship to goals and their prioritisation

I  Apply basic time management laws

I  Adoption of simple and practical time management tools


I  Clarify your own difficulties in time management

I  Become aware of the negative automatisms of time management

I  Identify the laws of time that would be immediately favorable to us

I  Develop a practical action plan to improve time management

The training is based on the Game of Cubes where each participant is led to make a direct link between the principles presented and what they are doing. By identifying the elements that contribute to better time management, and those that are unfavorable, each participant builds an action plan to implement in their professional reality.